what does “cariño” mean?

It means “sweetheart” in Spanish and is frequently used in Mexico.

why did you do this trip?

Why not? Life is short.
We have a variety of overlapping interests: Mehedi’s interests in bike travel, Latin America, and Spanish grounded us in the physical reality of life on the road. Erin’s passion for photography, storytelling, and learning Spanish, combined with her experience in digital marketing and content creation made the journey possible financially. Let’s Go Cariño is a collaboration that combined our unique skillsets, interests and passions.

what was your favorite country?

It’s a toss up for us between Mexico, Colombia and Peru. Every country was pretty unique, and we’d be happy to go back to any of the places we traveled!

did you ever feel that you were in danger?

Leaving the house can be considered a dangerous act, and for some, not leaving is even more dangerous. The wonderful thing about Latin America is that the hospitality runs deep from Mexico all the way to Patagonia, the tip of the American continent. Showing up on our bicycles, locals recognized how vulnerable we were, and routinely showed us the very best of humanity: openness, profound generosity, support and encouragement. Rarely were we turned away while looking for water or a place to camp. Only a handful of times did we find ourselves in a situation where we felt uncomfortable, and never in true danger, unless you count the night we almost camped in a crocodile lined river bed.


how did you pay for it?

We were resourceful. We saved up a modest nest egg that would be just enough to get us through Mexico. We told ourselves if that was all we could manage to do, we’d be happy. But we got on the road and people started sending us donations to continue. We crowd-funded the first 6,500 miles, from Mexico to Ecuador. While we were on the road, we were very frugal, cooking most of our meals and rarely indulging in expensive luxuries. We did not acquire many souvenirs as we were traveling on our bicycles and were very limited by space and weight. We worked with outdoor brands, hotels, restaurants and tourism boards to make ends meet — from travel stipends to free nights in hotels and hostels or meals. Erin also had a graphic and web design job where she could work remotely and make her own schedule.

will you do another long trip?

We sure hope so! We recently welcomed our first child, so our bike travels will be a little slower for the foreseeable future. Some route ideas include: Netherlands to Spain, the length of Italy, Southeast Asia to the Himalayas, the Pacific Northwest, Vancouver Island, and pretty much anywhere in Africa or Asia.