Backpacking the Pecos Wilderness

This past Fall, we completed a seven day, sixty mile backpacking trek through the Pecos Wilderness in Northern New Mexico.

Our packs atop Trail Rider's Wall, between Pecos Baldy Lake and Truchas Lakes

Our packs atop Trail Rider's Wall, between Pecos Baldy Lake and Truchas Lakes

Beginning at the Santa Fe Ski Basin, we hiked along the Winsor Trail, leading us to Pecos Baldy Lake. From there, we linked up with the most epic trail of all - Trail Rider's Wall. We continued on to the Skyline Trail at Truchas Peaks and hiked along the Santa Barbara Divide to Serpent Lake. The two and a half day climb up to Truchas Peaks was not surprisingly pretty difficult for me (Erin), but after the third day I got into a groove and really enjoyed the nearly 10 mile push each day.

Camping at Pecos Baldy Lake

Camping at Pecos Baldy Lake


The process of being in nature is one I liken to peeling onions, each layer representing something you hold onto, something that seems like it's a part of you. But you peel each one back, and expose a new layer, slowly getting closer to the center. During the first two hours of our trip, I was horribly nauseous from a too-big breakfast burrito and a steep ascent. I thought to myself, "what did I get myself into? How am I going to do this for a week? Sixty miles? Really?"

Truchas Lakes – a truly extraordinary place in the Pecos Wilderness

Truchas Lakes – a truly extraordinary place in the Pecos Wilderness

But then you peel a layer back. "This nausea won't last forever," I told myself. And it didn't. Once it cleared, I was able to enjoy my surroundings. I couldn't believe how beautiful the aspen forest was up there, just a couple days away from Fall.

We foraged for currants and strawberries, and respectfully harvested one root of osha to last us through the winter. Mehedi is no stranger to life out here in the wilderness having been a mountain guide in Guatemala for two years, but spending a full week out in nature was a pretty new experience for me. I can't wait to do more of this.

Mehedi at Truchas Lakes

Mehedi at Truchas Lakes


Full moon soak at the San Antonio Hot Springs