Full moon soak at the San Antonio Hot Springs

San Antonio Hot Springs in the Jemez mountains of Northern New Mexico

San Antonio Hot Springs in the Jemez mountains of Northern New Mexico

Last August my cariño and I ventured into the Jemez mountains of Northern New Mexico to spend a couple of days at the San Antonio hot springs. As late summer sets in amidst the mountains, a cool crisp air engulfs the nights providing for the perfect soak – not too cold, yet not too hot. Normally the area is closed off to overnight camping in order to protect the environment. I could not agree more! For this reason we chose to camp several miles up the valley where we would leave no trace behind. 

Mehedi on our hike through the San Antonio valley

Mehedi on our hike through the San Antonio valley

After a beautiful drive through the Valles Caldera we neared the San Antonio Valley. From there we threw our packs on and hiked about 5 miles into the valley where we made camp. As the cool air set in we finished our steaming afternoon chai and popped into the springs. Even after a modest hike, soaking your bones is always so relaxing.

With the full moon we were able to delightfully soak into the night with the beautiful glow of the steaming springs. The following morning we stumbled upon a bush laden with wild raspberries, supplementing our chai and breakfast. As we hiked out we began to notice the slight tinge of color change as the aspen began to turn. We're both looking forward to a snowy soak this winter.